Department of Geography and Planning

Geography and Planning examines natural and human environments and builds on our understanding of the many relationships between them. Geographers and planners ask questions like: why is Earth’s climate changing and how will it impact my environment; where can I find clean drinking water and how can I ensure that it is used sustainably; how does our environment impact our health; and how can urban design both complement the natural environment and incorporate diverse societal values?

At the University of Saskatchewan, Geography and Planning students have the opportunity to ask and investigate these questions and many more through our undergraduate programs in Environment & Society, Hydrology, Regional and Urban Planning, Urban Design, and graduate programs (MA, MSc, and PhD) in Geography. Teaching and learning in these programs incorporates both in-class and fieldwork instruction with a strong emphasis on the tools and techniques that geographers and planners use.

At the graduate level, students can expect a vigorous and collaborative research experience in the fields of: Environmental Studies, Policy, Management and Assessment; Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing; Hydrological and Ecohydrological Processes and Modeling; Landscape Analysis and Environmental Change; Regional, Urban, and Watershed Planning; and Aboriginal and Health Studies. Welcome to Geography and Planning!